"Sadly, the Obama administration, with Kerry's anti-Israel speech and failure to veto an anti-Israeli UN Security Council Resolution, seems to have made a decision to spend its last few weeks galvanizing the international community to isolate and scapegoat the Jewish State and the only democracy in the Middle East...
How do you explain the fact that the UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution 14 to 0 to condemn Israeli settlement activity of building homes, schools, and kindergartens in their own historical ancestral land they have lived in for thousands of years while refusing to pass one resolution against the genocide of Yazidis, Christians, and fellow Muslim in Syria and Iraq? How do you explain the disgraceful scene following Obama's betrayal of Israel, where members of the council clapped and cheered during the same week that Aleppo community in Syria was massacred by the Syrian army, Iran, Hizb'allah, and the Russians?
How do you explain that not one righteous democratic, civilized nation, including the U.S., Britain, France, or Spain, voted against the resolution, which called the Western Wall, the Temple Mount, and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem 'Palestinian occupied territories' despite the well-known historical fact that Jerusalem was in all of history only the capital of the Jewish state? How do you explain that countries such as Senegal, Venezuela, and Malaysia, who have no connection to the property dispute in the Middle East, felt so passionate about the issue to sponsor the resolution, despite their own dark history of tyranny and oppression of their own people?
How do you explain that New Zealand decided to sponsor the resolution that pronounced 'settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967' to be illegal despite their own history as a colonialist state founded on the theft of the indigenous Maori land and slaughter of their population to build their own new settlements?
How do you explain the Obama administration betraying its closest ally in the Middle East for the sake of the Palestinians Arabs, after abandoning the Iraqi Sunnis when it ordered the withdrawal of all American soldiers from Iraq leading to the creation of ISIS? The same administration that took no action against Assad when he used chemical weapons against his own Sunni rebels in Syria...
After January 20, the Palestinian leaders, France, Europe, and the United Nations will face a new American president who has expressed nothing but support for Israel and nominated an ambassador to Israel who understands the dangers of a Palestinian state, the importance of Jewish settlements to Israeli security, and supports moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Jewish state."