"Make no mistake about it: UNSC Resolution 2334 is not tough love to move the peace process forward. It is a diplomatic war to delegitimize all of Israel through boycotts, sanctions and the International Criminal Court.
According to the Israel Group, 'By the end of 2016, the United Nations... will have adopted 20 resolutions against the State of Israel and four resolutions against all other countries combined.' It is an antisemitic double standard plain and simple, and it is not going away...
Here are some suggestions: 1. The Lawfare Project recommends 'adopt[ing] legislation that would impose sanctions on European government[ s] and private entities that engage in BDS... [and] reaffirm the letter from President George W. Bush to Israeli Prime Minister Sharon that recognized that major settlement blocs will remain part of Israel under any peace treaty.'...
3. Since the first consequence of 2334 might be Israel being brought before the International Criminal Court, ICC donors must be quietly convinced to threaten to withdraw funding if Israel is brought before this court.
4. Cut the US funding to the UN in half. America should work with the UN only on humanitarian issues. New legislation must be written, as existing laws and treaty requirements enshrine much of American financial support for the UN.
5. Withdraw participation and funding for the Human Rights Council and UNESCO. UNESCO perpetuates the falsehood that there is no Jewish association to the Temple Mount, and the Human Rights Council is simply an anti-Israel advocacy organization, ignoring the world's human rights abuses...
7. End funding of UNWRA unless the definition of Palestinian refugees is changed to the UN High Commission of Refugees definition. This would immediately decrease the number of Palestinian refugees from five million to 30,000, and end a major impediment to resolution of the conflict..."