"It is sad to see the foreign policy of the United States being carried out in such gasping, feeble whimpers. But it is no longer surprising. The last two weeks have been a microcosm of the failures of the last eight years. They will not soon be forgotten, or the damage quickly undone.
First and foremost, of course, was the appalling decision of the United States - of President Barack Obama, let's be clear - to not use America's UN Security Council veto to strike down a heavy handed resolution levelled at Israel; more specifically, settlements it has established (and may expand) in portions of the disputed West Bank...
But this resolution did more than just question the settlements. It called into question Israel's right to control, after a future final peace agreement, even those sections of disputed territory that are by demography and history indisputably Jewish, including some of Judaism's holiest sites. The resolution also attempted to do what generations of U.S. leaders have resisted doing - force an essentially bi-lateral process between Israel and the Palestinians into international fora that offer no solutions. Obama's decision to permit the resolution to stand is an enormous black mark on the already shredded tatters of his foreign policy legacy..."