"The United States proposes the following amendment to the draft PBI resolution/decision: Strike the numerical figures contained in Section G in resolution A/C.5/75/L.15 and insert the number zero in their place. Mr. Chairman, the United States remains firmly committed to combating racism and racial discrimination in all its forms and to working with civil society, international mechanisms, and all nations in pursuit of this goal. However, we cannot agree to the creation of an official event during the general debate of the 76th General Assembly commemorating the Durban Declaration and Program of Action – DDPA – and calling for the full implementation of the DDPA and its follow-up processes. We will not celebrate its restrictions on the freedom of expression, or its anti-Semitism, and its anti-Israel bias.
The Durban Conference and its outcomes remain as poisonous as ever; they have set back international cooperation to combat racism and racial discrimination for nearly two decades. Commemorating the DDPA serves to prolong the divisions caused by the Durban conference instead of providing a comprehensive and inclusive way for the international community to combat the scourge of racism and racial discrimination. It is inappropriate for the General Assembly to host this divisive event.
Accordingly, the United States requests all Member States to support this proposed amendment."