According to a UN summary provided to news media of a conference on antisemitism held at the UN on September 7, 2016, antisemitism is bad, but grossly disproportionate condemnation of Israel is fine. The summary was published on UNifeed, a UN website which provides videos and information about UN events to broadcast news providers the world over. Here are the only words on the day-long event circulated by the UNifeed summary:
"UN / GLOBAL ANTISEMITISM (2:38) At a high level forum on Global anti-Semitism, General Assembly President Mogens Lykketoft said the UN has 'an enormous responsibility to go up against all expressions of prejudice and incitement,' but noted that 'it's not anti-Semitic to call for an end of the occupation and oppression of the people of Palestine and to demand an end to illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land.' UNIFEED-UNTV"