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269 Posts found

18 pages of results.
...a change in the power relations within society,” she said. 12.29.2021.Jordanian_lawmakers_trade_punches_in_Parliament.docx Jordanian lawmakers trade punches in Parliament amid heated discussion on women’s rights 2021-12-30 17:24:27 Jordan, December 29, 2021...
30 Dec 2021
...destruction, lambasted Abbas over the meeting and called it a “stab in the back.” 12.29.2021.Israeli_civilian_injured_by_gunfire_from_Gaza.docx Israeli civilian injured by gunfire from Gaza 2021-12-29 19:44:54 Palestinian Authority/Gaza, December 29, 2021...
29 Dec 2021
...advance human rights across the Russian Federation.” 12.29.2021.Russian_court_shuts_down_Memorial_Human_Rights_Center.docx Russian court shuts down Memorial Human Rights Center, day after sister group ordered closed 2021-12-29 17:28:41 Russian Federation, December 29, 2021...
29 Dec 2021
...humanitarians, supporting millions of children in need across Myanmar,” the organization said. 12.28.2021.Absolutely_horrifying.docx “Absolutely horrifying”: Two aid workers confirmed dead in Myanmar massacre 2021-12-29 17:20:05 Myanmar, December 28, 2021...
29 Dec 2021
...condemnation from international Christian aid groups and Christians in Nigeria. 12.27.2021.Nigeria.docx Nigeria: Dozens Killed, Abducted on Christmas After Jihadists Demand Churches Close 2021-12-28 01:14:32 OTHER TERRORISTS, December 27, 2021...
28 Dec 2021
...made worse by the removal of international support after the group seized power. 12.27.2021.Afghanistan.docx Afghanistan’s Taliban ban long-distance road trips for solo women 2021-12-27 17:53:17 Afghanistan, December 27, 2021...
27 Dec 2021
...they have mostly been contained in Jerusalem and the West Bank. 12.22.2021.Attempted_terror_attack_in_Tel_Aviv_Central_Station_thwarted.docx Attempted Palestinian terror attack in Tel Aviv Central Station thwarted 2021-12-23 19:57:29 Palestinian Authority/Gaza, December 23, 2021...
23 Dec 2021
...of surrender and will continue to resist by every means,” Abu Kweik said. 12.22.2021.IDF.docx Palestinian gunman opens fire at IDF troops in Ramallah 2021-12-22 23:15:00 Palestinian Authority/Gaza, December 22, 2021...
22 Dec 2021
...increased West Bank violence between Israelis and Palestinians could spark another Gaza war. 12.21.2021.Attacker_killed_in_attempted_car_ramming_of_IDF_soldiers.docx Palestinian attempts car ramming attack against IDF soldiers 2021-12-22 22:54:36 Palestinian Authority/Gaza, December 21, 2021...
22 Dec 2021
...are giving China a bullet to shoot back to America.” 12.20.2021.Uyghur_women_in_China_labor_camps_recall_horror_of_rape.docx Uyghur women in China labor camps recall horror of rape, forced sterilization 2021-12-20 19:29:20 China, December 18, 2021...
20 Dec 2021
...the Liberation of Palestine praised Thursday’s attack, but did not take responsibility for it. 12.20.2021.Israeli_man_stabbed.docx Palestinian Woman Stabs Israeli Man in Hebron 2021-12-20 18:16:04 Palestinian Authority/Gaza, December 18, 2021...
20 Dec 2021
...“isolating the country more than ever” through “unnecessary and extreme measures”. 12.16.2021.North_Korea_trying_to_hide_executions_from_world.docx North Korea trying to hide executions from world: rights group 2021-12-16 20:40:47 North Korea, December 16, 2021...
16 Dec 2021 up the West Bank,” tweeted Religious Services Minister Matan Kahana. 12.16.2021.One_Israeli_dead_after_terror_shooting_attack_in_West_Bank.docx One Israeli dead after terror shooting attack in West Bank 2021-12-16 19:22:05 Palestinian Authority/Gaza, December 16, 2021...
16 Dec 2021 legal minors in Qatar,” they said. 12.15.2021.If_I.docx ‘If I’m not on social media, I’m dead’: Qatari feminist activist feared killed or detained 2021-12-16 17:35:31 Qatar, December 15, 2021...
16 Dec 2021
...several of its leaders under the law. 12.13.2021.jimmy.lai.docx Hong Kong tycoon Jimmy Lai and 7 others sentenced to prison over banned Tiananmen vigil 2021-12-15 17:33:13 China, December 13, 2021...
15 Dec 2021

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