Human Rights Voices

While the UN devotes its human rights operations to the demonization of the democratic state of Israel above all others and condemns the United States more often than the vast majority of non-democracies around the world, the voices of real victims around the world must be heard.

Palestinian Authority/Gaza, September 11, 2024

Israeli man critically injured as Palestinian tanker rams bus stop

Original source

The Times of Israel

An Israeli man was run over and critically injured Wednesday at a West Bank bus stop in an apparent attack by the driver of a fuel tanker, reinforcing worries that violence in the territory could continue to heat up.

The incident, outside an Israeli settlement near Ramallah, came as security officials have reportedly sought to beef up anti-terror activity in the West Bank, and hours after Palestinians reported that five people had been killed in an Israel Defense Forces drone strike in a town in the West Bank’s Jordan Valley.

Footage from the scene of the attack showed a truck with Palestinian license plates veer off a busy highway and barrel full speed into an IDF guard post adjacent to a bus stop before coming to a halt.

The Magen David Adom ambulance service said it treated an Israeli man in his 20s who suffered critical injuries in the attack.

The assailant was neutralized at the scene by soldiers, the IDF said, describing the incident as terrorism. Forces deployed to the scene were setting up roadblocks, the army added.

The apparent assault occurred on Route 60 outside Givat Assaf, a former wildcat outpost that the government retroactively legalized in late June, though the settlement’s homes remain unauthorized amid claims that they were placed on private Palestinian land.

The suspect was named in media reports as 58-year-old Hayil Dhaifallah, from the central West Bank town of Rafat. His condition was not immediately clear, the Palestinian Authority’s official mouthpiece Wafa reported.

The apparent attack was the latest to raise fears of a drastic resurgence in violence in the West Bank, after a series of attempted suicide bombings claimed by Hamas in recent weeks as well as a shooting attack on the Jordanian border Sunday that killed three Israelis.

According to Israeli authorities, 32 people including Israeli security personnel have been killed in terror attacks in Israel and the West Bank since October 7, when the war against Hamas in Gaza started with the terror group’s massacre in southern Israel. Another six members of the security forces were killed in clashes with terror operatives in the West Bank over that period...