"Despite a raging war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, and escalating violence between Israeli forces and terrorists in the West Bank, the U.N. General Assembly took the unprecedented step during its September session of seating a representative of the Palestinian Authority among member nations for the very first time. This new right was bestowed on the P.A.’s delegation, even though it is not a full member of the international body, nor does it rule the Gaza Strip, where about 40% of Palestinians live.
The Israeli ambassador to the United Nations protested that the P.A. is a terror-supporting entity ‘paying terrorists to slaughter us’ and that Palestinians don’t even recognize Israel as a Jewish state. He said that ‘regardless of the Palestinians’ failure to meet the necessary criteria for U.N. membership, most of you sadly decided to reward Palestinian terror with a Palestinian state. It’s very sad because your vote will only embolden Palestinian rejectionism even more and make peace almost impossible.’..."