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...due to virus-related restrictions, Whitson lamented that it was ‘such a tiny taste. Missing a tablespoon of blood.’…” 3.23.2020.Anti.ngos.corona.docx Anti-Israel NGOs Are Exploiting Coronavirus to Spread Hate 2020-03-24 16:41:00...
23 Mar 2020
...and Jews all over the world are subject to campaigns of boycotts and stigmatization.” 2.20.cruz.antisemitic.docx Sen. Cruz: ‘The United Nations Has Descended to a New Antisemitic Low’ 2020-02-21 09:57:00...
20 Feb 2020
...1 million new jobs, reduce the unemployment rate below 10 percent, and reduce the poverty rate by 50 percent…” 2.21.2020.The_Truth_About_the_Anti.docx The Truth About the Antisemitic U.N. List 2020-02-21 11:17:00...
19 Feb 2020
...and Sanctions movement, who during rallies in central Amsterdam called counter protesters ‘cockroaches’ and ‘kikes,’ CIDI wrote…” 2.18.2020.Record_number_of_anti.docx Record number of antisemitic incidents documented in the Netherlands 2020-02-18 10:27:00...
17 Feb 2020
Deutsche Welle 1.7.2021.China.docx China: Uighur women reportedly sterilized in attempt to suppress population 2021-04-21 14:20:00...
7 Jan 2020
...the UN has forgotten that its purpose is to protect the human rights of civilians worldwide.’…” 1.4.2020.Israeli_NGO_accuses_UN_agency_of_distorting_data_on_terrorism.docx Israeli NGO accuses U.N. agency of distorting data on terrorism 2021-01-05 11:08:00...
4 Jan 2020
David Hutt 6.15.2021.Record_Number_of_Antisemitic_Incidents_Recorded_in_London_Amid-1.docx Laos democrats fight a lonely losing struggle 2021-06-16 20:24:06...
27 Nov 2019 a plan by Turkey to settle Syrian refugees in an area that 200,000 have been forced to flee from due to fighting, leading to questions about the overall UN...
6 Nov 2019
...organizations, promoting U.S. employment in international organizations, and applying U.S. pressure purposefully and judiciously. 8.27.2019.chinese.un.docx U.S. needs to respond to rising Chinese influence in the United Nations 2019-08-27 07:23:00...
27 Aug 2019
...Equality and Human Rights Commission, which is investigating allegations of anti-Semitism within Labour…” 8.4.2019.corbyn.antisemitism.docx Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership ‘has radicalised some Labour members into attacking Israel and Jews’ 2019-08-05 06:50:00...
4 Aug 2019
...court’s decision to back down over Afghanistan may be the beginning of the end for the ICC.” 4.17.2019.The_International_Criminal_Court_crashes_and_burns_over_Afghanistan.docx The International Criminal Court crashes and burns over Afghanistan 2019-04-17 06:26:00...
16 Apr 2019
...the number necessary to adopt a new budget – will pay 1.633 percent of the regular budget combined…” 2.6.2019.Budget_Discipline_at_the_UN.docx Budget Discipline at the U.N.? Not So Fast 2019-02-08 08:32:00...
6 Feb 2019
...recently, Syrians have fled from the brutality of their own government to the Golan for treatment by Israeli doctors.'” U.N. Censors Israeli-Made Wine During Holocaust Event 2019-02-01 12:36:00...
1 Feb 2019
...countries do not do enough to stop them. It was in this toxic atmosphere that the US and Israel withdrew…” 20190102_GOODBYE_UNESCO.docx GOODBYE UNESCO 2019-01-03 07:51:00 “Israel’s decision – along...
2 Jan 2019
...which published the research. ‘In many ways,’ he suggested, anti-Semitism had become ‘disturbingly normalized.’…” 12.10.2018.Unprecedented_EU_poll_finds_90.docx Unprecedented European Union poll finds 90% of European Jews feel antisemitism increasing 2018-12-10 07:07:00...
10 Dec 2018

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