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...Jewish people, and undermine the global struggle against antisemitism, which is on the rise throughout the world. Since the Commission was formed in May 2021, as rockets rained down on...
27 Jul 2022
“Dear Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield, We write on behalf of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in the United States....
27 Jul 2022
...and disband a mission that brings the U.N. and its top human rights body into deep disrepute.’” 7.27.2022.un.official.docx U.N. Official Investigating Israel: ‘Jewish Lobby’ Controls Social Media 2022-07-27 21:08:18...
27 Jul 2022
...Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and co-sponsored by three Republicans and three Democrats.” 7.27.2022.kothari.docx U.N. Israel Inquiry Member: U.S. Shows ‘Disrespect’; ‘Jewish Lobby’ Funds Online Campaign to Discredit Us 2022-07-27 16:43:17...
27 Jul 2022
...(1950); (d) The Entry into Israel Law (1952) and its amendments; (e) Legal and Administrative Matters Law (1970); (f) The Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People...
18 Jul 2022
...about major actors in the conflict, in this case, Hamas-led militant groups, is lacking detail.” 7.15.2022.How_The_United_Nations_Overlooks_Evidence_Of_Hamas_Human_Rights_Violations.docx How The United Nations Overlooks Evidence Of Hamas Human Rights Violations 2022-07-21 16:33:26...
15 Jul 2022
...also appear on the materials as contributing to or supervising the content,’ IMPACT-se said…” 7.7.2022.UNRWA_textbooks_still_include_hate.docx UNRWA textbooks still include hate, antisemitism despite pledge to remove — watchdog 2022-07-07 16:57:26...
7 Jul 2022 double the antisemitism envoy’s funding, according to a source familiar with her efforts.” 6.30.2022.House_Appropriations_seeks_to_cut_off_U.docx House Appropriations seeks to cut off U.S. funding to U.N. Israel investigation 2022-06-30 16:41:58...
30 Jun 2022
...submissions and accompanying text:; see original immigration lists: 19 See for civilian victims of Arab violence: 20 See for fallen defense and security forces of Israel:
27 Jun 2022 and funding such racist enterprises. America should once again—and for all—resign its UNHRC seat.” 6.20.2022.It_is_time.docx It’s time for the U.S. to resign from the UNHRC (again) 2022-06-20 19:10:20...
20 Jun 2022
...further funds from the UNHRC, and prioritize defunding the COI in the end-of-year budget debates.” 6.20.2022.UN_Human_Rights_Council_report_aims_to_put_Israelis_behind_bars.docx U.N. Human Rights Council report aims to put Israelis behind bars 2022-06-20 18:23:30...
18 Jun 2022
...organizations remains of utmost importance, especially as reports of ongoing genocide, civilian massacres, and even slavery continue to go ignored.’” 6.20.2022.Mock_funeral_protests_UNHRC_anti.docx Mock funeral protests UNHRC anti-Israel bias 2022-06-20 17:48:04...
18 Jun 2022 discriminatory disparate treatment. For lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, this should be an easy decision.” 6.17.2022.Congress_Must_Defund_the_UN.docx Congress Must Defund the U.N.’s Poisoned Pillay Report 2022-06-18 00:11:58...
17 Jun 2022
...unsurprising that the UNHRC report perpetuates and even intensifies this hostility towards the Jewish state. For example, the report completely disregards the more than 4,000 rockets fired at Israel over...
16 Jun 2022
...lawmakers to support security assistance to Israel and the Stop Iranian Drones Act.” 6.15.2022.Legislation_seeking_to_shut_down_U.docx Legislation seeking to shut down U.N.’s Commission of Inquiry on Israel gains momentum 2022-06-17 21:56:09...
15 Jun 2022

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