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...pass this bill to support our ally Israel and ensure American taxpayers are not forced to fund the UNHRC’s discriminatory investigation.’ In May 2021, shortly after the Gaza conflict, the...
14 Jun 2022
...€145.35m. for salaries and pensions of PA civil servants, including those who write textbooks…” 6.14.2022.EU_states_vote_to_continue_funding_despite_Palestinian.docx EU states vote to continue funding despite Palestinian antisemitic incitement in textbooks 2022-06-17 19:01:28...
14 Jun 2022
...– lies and conspiracy theories calculated to justify incitement to violence against the Jews.” Biased_6.14.2022.UN_Human_Rights_Council_Report_Unleashes_Ludicrous_Antisemitic_Assault_on_Israel.docx Biased U.N. Human Rights Council Report Unleashes Ludicrous Antisemitic Assault on Israel 2022-06-16 19:15:00...
13 Jun 2022
...Macedonia 19. Palau 20. Togo 21. The United Kingdom 22. The United States of America” 6.13.2022.Joint_Statement_Delivered_by_US.docx U.S. and 21 Other States Condemn anti-Israel U.N. “Commission of Inquiry” 2022-06-13 18:55:46...
13 Jun 2022
...the vicious and antisemitic incitement carried out by the Palestinian Authority and its networks.’” 6.13.2022.Nelson_Mandela_Would_Not_Approve.docx ‘Nelson Mandela Would Not Approve’: South Africans Denounce U.N. Report on Palestinians 2022-06-13 18:11:26...
10 Jun 2022
...1 is all the evidence that decent people and democratic states need to tear down this wall of hate and intolerance.’” 6.10.2022.Navi_Pillay.docx Navi Pillay’s revitalized anti-Israel career 2022-06-10 16:44:29...
10 Jun 2022
...targeted simply by virtue of living in Israel.” 6.8.2022.Initial_Report_of_Latest.docx Initial Report of Latest “Commission” Recycles U.N.’s Own Anti-Israel Prejudice But Unprecedented Open-Ended Probe Promises More to Come 2022-06-09 20:45:07...
8 Jun 2022
...or submission templates have been made available to the public here: 10 UN Human Rights Council resolution A/HRC/RES/2-30-1, adopted May 27, 2021, para. 1, 11 See submission concerning...
8 Jun 2022
...alleged human-rights abuses before and after that date, and seeks to investigate the ‘root causes’ of the tensions.” 6.8.2022.US_slams_UNHRC.docx U.S. slams UNHRC’s ‘one-sided, biased’ report against Israel 2022-06-08 19:09:12...
8 Jun 2022
...body representing 50 national Jewish organizations on issues of national and international concern” 6.9.2022.Conference_of_Presidents_Condemns_Biased_United_Nations.docx Conference of Presidents Condemns Biased United Nations Commission of Inquiry Report on Israel 2022-06-09 17:25:10...
8 Jun 2022
...abuses before and after that and seeks to investigate the ‘root causes’ of the tensions.” 6.8.2022.Israel_says_UN_report_on_2021_Gaza_conflict.docx Israel says U.N. report on 2021 Gaza conflict ‘tainted with hatred’ 2022-06-08 20:30:00...
7 Jun 2022
...Notably, it grossly minimizes and de-contextualizes Palestinian terrorism in order to paint a picture of Israeli venality.’” 6.7.2022.UN_body_issues.docx U.N. body issues ‘antisemitic report’ against Israel, critics charge 2022-06-07 20:10:56...
7 Jun 2022
...the Middle East. We are demanding an end to the UNHRC’s bias and hate.’” 6.7.2022.IDF_reservists_to_dress_up_as_Hamas_terrorists_to_protest_UNHRC_probe.docx IDF reservists to dress up as Hamas terrorists to protest UNHRC probe 2022-06-07 13:11:29...
7 Jun 2022
...Rohingya Muslims were killed and 700,000 forced to flee. By contrast, even U.N. figures suggest that 256 Palestinians died during the May 2021 conflict. That’s about 1% of the fatalities...
2 Jun 2022
...Communist Party’s often harsh treatment of dissidents and activists and ethnic groups in Tibet and Inner Mongolia…” 5.25.2022.Chinese_leader_Xi_defends_record_to_UN_human_rights_chief.docx U.N. High Commissioner Bachelet (predictably) gets played in China 2022-05-25 16:11:03...
25 May 2022

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