UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: Pakistan
Baloch people in the Balochistan province, western Pakistan, are persecuted, abducted and systematically killed by Pakistani security agencies and the Pakistani Army. Picture: Pakistani Baloch families carry photographs of their missing community members Source: International Business Times, March 11, 2015 |
Mission of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: "The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) is the United Nations body of Member States responsible for setting out global strategy to prevent crime and promote stable criminal justice systems. The 40-member UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice formulates international policies and recommends activities in the field of crime control...The Commission offers nations a forum for exchanging expertise and information on matters of crime prevention and criminal justice and to determine strategies and priorities for combatting crime at the global level....Priority areas mandated by the [Economic and Social] Council when it established the Commission in 1992 are: international action to combat national and transnational crime...and improving the efficiency and fairness of criminal justice administration systems." (
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice website)
Term of office: 2016-2018 Pakistan's Record on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: "There were numerous reports that authorities committed arbitrary or unlawful killings. Security forces reportedly committed extrajudicial killings...There were reports of alleged kidnapping and killing of individuals... There were reports security forces, including the intelligence services, tortured and abused individuals in custody...Multiple sources reported that torture...resulted in death or serious injury and was often underreported. Acts described by...human rights organizations included beating with batons and whips, burning with cigarettes, whipping the soles of feet, prolonged isolation, electric shock, denial of food or sleep, hanging upside down, and forced spreading of the legs with bar fetters... Delays in justice in civil and criminal cases were due to antiquated procedural rules, unfilled judgeships, poor case-management systems, costly litigation, and weak legal education... rape was frequent, prosecutions were rare."
(US State Department's Country Report on Human Rights Practices 2015, Pakistan)