UN World Food Programme Executive Board: Sudan
Malnutrition among children in Sudan is chronic, with "emergency level" rates recorded during the last decades. (Radio Dabanga, February 10, 2015) |
Mission of the World Food Programme: "WFP will play its part as an active member of the United Nations system to bring the issue of hunger to the centre of the international agenda. In its dialogue with recipient governments and the aid cornmunity, WFP will advocate policies. strategies and operations that directly benefit the poor and hungry." (
World Food Programme website, "Mission statement")
Sudan's Term of office: 2017-2020 Sudan's Record on the Right to Food: "According to the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Agency.,.. the three-year conflict had displaced nearly one million civilians from Southern Kordofan and an estimated 100,000 from Blue Nile. Approximately 400,000 residents of Southern Kordofan fled their homes for refuge in other parts of the state. Many of the IDPs faced chronic food shortages and inadequate medical care. Significant numbers of farmers were prevented from planting their fields due to the conflict, leading to near-famine conditions in parts of Southern Kordofan... Government forces killed and maimed civilians during repeated aerial or artillery bombardment. The SAF [Sudanese Armed Forces] also repeatedly bombed cultivated land, thereby disrupting planting cycles, which, coupled with forced displacements and the denial of humanitarian assistance, resulted in near famine-like conditions. NGOs accused the government of using the denial of food as a weapon of war."
(U.S. State Department's Country Report on Human Rights Practices 2014, Sudan)