UN General Assembly Vice-President: Iraq
Officers of an elite Iraqi special forces unit directed the torture and execution of civilians in Mosul in at least six distinct incidents caught on tape. Source: ABC News, May 26, 2017 |
Mission of the General Assembly: "13. The General Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommendations for the purpose of:
a. promoting international co-operation in the political field and encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification;
b. promoting international co-operation in the economic, social, cultural, educational, and health fields, and assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion." ("UN Charter")
Term of office: 2018-2019 Iraq's Record on "the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion": "The most significant human rights issues included allegations of unlawful killings by some members of the ISF [Iraqi security forces], particularly some elements of the PMF; disappearance and extortion by PMF elements; torture; harsh and life-threatening conditions in detention and prison facilities; arbitrary arrest and detention; arbitrary interference with privacy; criminalization of libel and other limits on freedom of expression, including press freedoms; violence against journalists; widespread official corruption; greatly reduced penalties for so-called "honor killings"; coerced or forced abortions imposed by ISIS on its victims; legal restrictions on freedom of movement of women; and trafficking in persons. Militant groups killed LGBTI persons. There were also limitations on worker rights, including restrictions on formation of independent unions... There were numerous reports that ... some government forces... committed arbitrary or unlawful killings."
(U.S. State Department's Country Report on Human Rights Practices 2017, Iraq)