UN Disarmament Commission Vice-Chairman: Libya
Thousands have fled from Libya to Europe since the 2011 toppling of Libya's longtime dictator, Colonel Muammar Al-Qaddafi, led to chaos as rival factions vie for influence and two governments, each with its own web of affiliated militias, compete for power. Source: Newsweek, May 10, 2015 |
Mission of the UN Disarmament Commission: "In 1978, the first special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament established a...Disarmament Commission (UNDC) as a subsidiary organ of the Assembly, composed of all Member States of the United Nations. It was created as a deliberative body, with the function of considering and making recommendations on various issues in the field of disarmament and of following up on the relevant decisions and recommendations of the special session. It reports annually to the General Assembly." (
UN Disarmament Commission website)
Libya's Term of office: 2017 Libya's Record on armed conflict and disarmament: "The most serious human rights problems during the year resulted from the absence of effective governance, justice, and security institutions, and abuses and violations committed by armed groups affiliated with the government, its opponents, terrorists, and criminal groups. Consequences of the failure of the rule of law included arbitrary and unlawful killings and impunity for these crimes; civilian casualties in armed conflicts; killings of politicians and human rights defenders; torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; and harsh and life-threatening conditions in detention and prison facilities...Impunity was a severe and pervasive problem. The government had limited reach and resources, and did not take steps to investigate, prosecute, and punish those who committed abuses and violations."
(US State Department's Country Report on Human Rights Practices 2016, Libya)