World Tourism Organization Special Ambassador of Tourism and Sustainable Development: Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Jordanian businessman Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, who has called for the cleansing of Jews from "Palestine" Source: Breitbart, October 30, 2017 |
Role of the Special Ambassador of Tourism and Sustainable Development UNWTO "special ambassadors"
are "leaders and prominent personalities committed to promote the role and contribution of tourism in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda." The figure of Special Ambassadors is "
aimed at providing a global focus to the International Year [of Sustainable Tourism for Development], as well as to highlight the commitment of leaders and prominent personalities in the development of sustainable practices in the tourism sector."
Term of Office: October 2017 – second half of 2019 Abu-Ghazaleh's record: - "In this day and age, Zionist power controls the decision-making centers. I always say that just like us Arabs, the U.S. is a victim of Zionist influence, which often – if not always – steers U.S. decisions against American interests, and in keeping with Zionist interests at all times...Hence, global Zionism created the notion of an enemy called 'the terrorist Islam.' ... Therefore, to put it in an historical context, Zionism, which has been plotting all this time, came across an historic opportunity, and convinced the U.S. administration that this was an opportunity for it as well...This is how it all began. This is how the war began." ("UN Tourism Body Appoints Jordanian Businessman Who Advocated Ethnic Cleansing of Jews as Special Ambassador," by Deborah Danan, October 30, 2017, Breitbart News)
- "Israel has this organization called MEMRI, which monitors all the broadcasts, including this one right now. Its job is to determine whether something that was said is antisemitic. They consider my statements to be antisemitic, because I want to cleanse Palestine of the Jews." ("Jordanian Businessman Talal Abu Ghazaleh: MEMRI Considers Me Antisemitic Because I Want to Cleanse Palestine of the Jews," January 9, 2017, Middle East Media Research Institute)
- "The occupation will not end through negotiations – only through resistance. The victory of the resistance in the Palestinian territories and the great victory of the resistance in Lebanon [prove this]...The two-state solution is unfeasible... The solutions currently being proposed [merely] enable the enemy to continue carrying out what it thinks will achieve its objectives; but [these] objectives are at odds with history and geography, and are unachievable...What is needed is Arab support for the idea of resistance to end the occupation...The Jews became known for manufacturing lies and carrying out crimes and terror." ("Jordanian Writers: The Jews in Palestine Must Be Returned to Their Countries of Origin," March 8, 2012, Middle East Media Research Institute)