UN Human Rights Council: Cote d'Ivoire
Republican Forces of Cote d'Ivoire (FRCI) (File photo) |
Mission of the Human Rights Council: "The General Assembly...2. Decides that the Council shall be responsible for promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind and in a fair and equal manner; 3. Decides also that the Council should address situations of violations of human rights, including gross and systematic violations, and make recommendations thereon..." (
Resolution 60/251)
Cote d'Ivoire's Term of office: 2016-2018 Cote d'Ivoire's Record on human rights: "The most serious human rights problems were security force abuses and the government's inability to enforce the rule of law. The Republican Forces of Cote d'Ivoire (FRCI), the country's military, and the gendarmerie were responsible for arbitrary detentions, including at informal detention centers. Prison and detention center conditions were harsh and life threatening. Corruption persisted in the judiciary, police, the military, customs, contract awards tax offices, and other government institutions, and the judiciary was inefficient and lacked independence. There were allegations made by opposition groups of torture of political prisoners and of extrajudicial killings. There was a case of forced disappearance; and there were reports of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or punishment; arbitrary arrest; and prolonged pretrial detention. The government restricted press freedom and freedom of assembly. Internally displaced persons (IDPs) faced insecure and difficult living conditions. Statelessness remained extensive. Discrimination, sexual assault, and violence against women and children occurred. Societal discrimination against ethnic groups, persons with disabilities, and victims of HIV/AIDS was a problem... The government seldom took steps to prosecute officials who committed abuses, whether in the security services or elsewhere in the government. Security forces impunity continued to be a serious problem."
(State Department's Country Report on Human Rights Practices 2015, Cote d'Ivoire)